I want the whole loaf

This has nothing to do with bread, so if that is what you were expecting, sorry. No bread recipes here, although I make great yeast rolls!! Years ago I worked for a company where the CEO talked about “a half a loaf is better than no loaf at all”. At the time, I disagreed with that statement and now many, many years later, I more strongly disagree with the statement. My immediate reaction then remains the same today “why would I settle for less the entire loaf when I can go for the whole thing?”.

While I recognize that he was trying to tell us that owing a share of the business was better than having nothing in hand, I am a dreamer who believes that you have to go after what you want with your whole heart. Maybe others can get away with half attempts and a less than stellar effort, but I want to encourage you to “go hard”. If you have always wanted the best for yourself and your family, why would you give the plan and its execution less than 100% of your heart, soul, body, mind and spirit. Don’t you want it all? Aren’t you worth it? Why would you settle for less than what is rightfully yours? Didn’t you work long and hard to reach your greatest heights? Who says you have to walk away with half a loaf, when the whole loaf is available for the planning and receiving?

I have been part of many planning sessions. I have noticed that the only plans that are truly successful are those that have execution attached. A plan alone is just words. The success is in the execution strategy. Think back to when you were learning to ride a bike. Certainly your parents planned for you to learn how to ride the bike, thus they purchased the two or four wheeled vehicle. A bike, sitting alone in the driveway without a rider goes nowhere. A bike, in the driveway, with a seated rider, still does not move forward unless the rider understands that pedaling/action/execution is the key to forward movement. The start of learning to ride may not be pretty and you may even take a few tumbles, but its your journey and you will not see success unless you keep at the plan.

So planning is not enough. Talk is not enough. Execution is key if you indeed intend to reach your goal. Starting off the plan with a defeatist attitude of claiming half a loaf is not rewarding nor fulfilling. Aiming high, putting your plan into place and executing on the strategy is where and when you will see your success.

Come on. Half a loaf? Seriously? I want the whole thing because I deserve it, its mine and I planned and executed properly. Give me a whole loaf.